
Do you want to leave your car at home? Use one of the following services:
The service that connects the village of Madonna di Campiglio (Piazza Brenta Alta) to Patascoss.
From 15 june to 15 september 2024.
Choose the time between 8.30 and 18.30 in which to use the service; the system will indicate the pick up time at the pick up point chosen and will send you by email the booking confirmation and the ticket.
Per journey: € 3,00
Children up to 8 years (born after 30/04/2016) accompanied formula 1 to 1: Free
DoloMeet Guest Card and ParcoKey holders: Free
Compulsory online booking or at the offices of the Tourist Board (Madonna di Campiglio, Pinzolo, Tione, Lago di Roncone and Pieve di Bono), the info offices of Breguzzo and S.A. of Mavignola, the Pro Loco of Spiazzo, Caderzone Terme and Carisolo, ticket office of Funivie Madonna di Campiglio, CCM Store, Residence Rio Falzè. Ticket purchased on site by staff (availability permitting).
Groups over 7 people are invited to request the shuttle service at least 48h in advance directly to Madonna di Campiglio Tourist Board.