TYPE: Excursion to discover the animal world accompanied by Park experts

PARTICIPATION FEE: € 10,00 adults - € 5,00 kids; family price € 20,00 - free with ParcoKey QP

Climate Change Champs: animals adapts first

tuesday 16th July and tuesday 6th August

DURATION: whole day - end o activity approximately at 16:00


MIN AGE: 8 years old

How difficult is for an animal to adapt to the rise of temperatures?

Going troigh woods of Val Biole and wonderful fields of Malga Dagnola we will discover how animals responds to the climate change.

Packet lunch at the expens of partecipants.


08:30parcheggio Val Biole


Climate change champs: animals adapts first

NB: L'attività verrà attivata con un minimo di 2 partecipanti.

February 2025
Ticket cost: 0.00€